
Family denied legal rights to twins, hopes international attention sparks change

The Myers' story has reached as far as the U.K
Eames and Ellison Myers
and last updated

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — The story of the Grand Rapids couple fighting for legal rights to their biological twins is gaining national and international attention.

RELATED: GR couple denied legal rights to biological twins due to 'outdated' Michigan fertility laws

The Myers haven’t been getting too much sleep between spending time in the NICU at Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital with their twins, being home with their daughter, and fielding phone calls from national networks.

However, they say this is so much bigger than themselves and they want to be a catalyst for changing Michigan’s outdated fertility laws.

It’s been a whirlwind for the couple since sharing their story with FOX 17 earlier this week.

“We are in awe honestly,” said Tammy Myers.

Jordan Myers added that it’s been humbling to see how many people want to share their story.

“We are normal people, it’s ridiculous, this just doesn’t make any sense to me,” he said.

Tammy Myers said, “Just hearing that these big networks want to share this and that our story is worth sharing is pretty amazing.”

The buzz is growing too; from California newspapers, to the Daily Mail in the United Kingdom.

“To think that from Grand Rapids Michigan, it’s all starting right here. It’s pretty crazy,” Jordan Myers said.

The family has been unable to attain legal rights to their own biological twins in Kent County, because they were born via gestational carrier. Any agreement made between intended parents and volunteer carriers are not recognized by Michigan law.

“People are hearing what’s happening and they are appalled, said Tammy Myers, “The fact that this entire issue was getting attention right now and we are able to raise awareness for not only our situation that’s happening in the moment right now, but also for all of the families that have walked in our shoes and gone through this heartache, it’s just really special for us, because they’ve been fighting for years to try to get something to happen.”

The goal is to now get bipartisan support for an updated fertility bill in Michigan that creates a clearer path for families like the Myers to gain legal rights, without having to adopt their own children.

Tammy Myers said, “Hopefully they will be able to put a bill together and get it passed.”

And if that happens, they can’t wait to tell their twins about their role in history.

“It’ll be pretty special to sit them down one day and kind of explain their part in all of this. It’s a fun story that could come out of a really sad situation.”

The Myers said that the they are grateful to everyone who has reached out and rallied around them, calling it a silver lining in a very difficult time.

The Myers’ attorney, Melissa Neckers with Miller Johnson, said the next steps include finding a sponsor for an updated fertility bill and hopefully getting it passed this year in the Michigan legislature.